한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계
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한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계
1. 한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계.ppt
2. 한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계.pdf
본 자료는 한, 카자흐스탄 경제관계에 대해 소개한 자료로 Introduction about Kazakhstan(Kazakhstan, Flag of Kazakhstan, Location, Currency, Primary Resources, Major Economic Indicators), Opening Kazakhstan and Korea relations(Trade Status, Investment situation, Agreement of Korea and Kazakhstan, The advancement situation of Korean enterprise, Major agreements), Energy & Electronic Power Present Condition, Logistics Market in Kazakhstan, Development Possibility of Logistics Market in Kazakhstan 등에 대해 영어 및
한글로 서술한 자료임
I. Introduction about Kazakhstan

Ⅱ. Opening Kazakhstan and Korea relations

Ⅲ. Agreement of Korea and Kazakhstan

Ⅳ. Energy & Electronic Power Present Condition

V. Logistics Market in Kazakhstan

VI. Development Possibility of Logistics Market in Kazakhstan
I. Introduction about Kazakhstan

Primary Resources

- Crude oil (the world's No. 9, proved reserves: 400 billion barrels,
estimated reserves: 1243 million barrels)

- Tungsten (the world's No. 1 reserve)

- Chrome (world No. 2)

- Manganese (world No. 3)

- Zinc, uranium, copper, silver, lead and many other mineral reserves
, 카자흐스탄 경제관계, 카자흐스탄 물류산업 개선정책, Kazakhstan and Korea relations, Agreement of Korea and Kazakhstan, 한국과 카자흐스탄간의 협정, KAZAKHSTAN Rail
남양유업PPT 카자흐스탄,나라분석,리스크분석,마케팅,브랜드..
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