NetSuite,NetSuite CRM사례,클라우드컴퓨팅,클라우드컴퓨팅기업사례,CRM기업,CRM영문
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NetSuite,NetSuite CRM사례,클라우드컴퓨팅,클라우드컴퓨..
1. NetSuite,NetSuite CRM사례,클라우드컴퓨팅..
2. NetSuite,NetSuite CRM사례,클라우드컴퓨팅..
NetSuite,NetSuite CRM사례,클라우드컴퓨팅,클라우드컴퓨팅기업사례,CRM기업,CRM영문
: Secret to CRM Success

1998 NetSuite founded by Larry Ellison and Evan Goldberg
2000 Creates world’s first integrated SaaS suite application
2003 Expands internationally
2006 5,000+ customers
2007 IPO on NYSEticker symbol “N”
2008 Introduces NetSuite OneWorld
2009 Delivers SuiteCloud Platform
NetSuite’s Overview
NetSuite’s Overview
San Mateo, California, USA (HeadQuarter)
NetSuite’s Overview
Mission Statement
To provide web-based integrated business systems
What They Do:
Provide integrated, web-based business applications to growing and mid-sized businesses
Include solutions for Accounting/ERP, CRM, and eCommerce
Over 5,400 customers the largest base of integrated, on-demand customers

NetSuite’s Overview
NetSuite’s Overview
The NetSuite WayOne System. No Limits.
NetSuite’s Overview
Single integrated system
360° view of the Customer
Real-time visibility across the enterprise
Modular Implementation
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