Mercedes-Benz All Activity Vehicle (AAV)Target costing,타겟코스팅,벤츠분석,AAV,AAV프로젝트
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Mercedes-Benz All Activity Vehicle (AAV)Target costin..
1. Mercedes-Benz All Activity Vehicle (AAV)..
2. Mercedes-Benz All Activity Vehicle (AAV)..
Mercedes-Benz All Activity Vehicle (AAV)Target costing,타겟코스팅,벤츠분석,AAV,AAV프로젝트
Mercedes-Benz All Activity Vehicle (AAV)Target costing
Ⅰ. Intro
1. What is AAV
2. Target Costing

Ⅱ. Solutions
1. a ,b ,d
2. AAV Project
3. e, f, g, h
What is AAV
All Activity Vehicle
What is Target costing

involves setting a target cost by subtracting a desired profit margin from a competitive market price

cf. cost-plus pricing
a. The Competitive Environment Faced by MB

Expanding SUV market
But, dominated by

● Potential worldwide sales opportunity
for a high-end AAV

b. Reaction to the Changing World
for Luxury Automobiles

Customer clinic
Design and testing team
Manufacturing location

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