Operations strategy for the effective delivery of integrated industrial product-service offerings
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Operations strategy for the effective delivery of int..
1. Operations strategy for the effective de..
2. Operations strategy for the effective de..
Operations strategy for the effective delivery of integrated industrial product-service offerings
Operations strategy for the effective delivery of integrated industrial product-service offerings
0. Contents
Literature review
Research design
An operations strategy framework
Findings from the case studies

1. Introduction
The change of the business environment
of the manufacturing industry
Well-designed products
Integrated product/service offerings
1. Introduction (cont.)
Industrial product service systems (PSSs)
Performance-based contracts
Availability contracting
- “What” is required in terms of equipment operations
- Importance of the contracts between the customer and the provider
A variant of performance-based contract
Both customers and providers to get benefits
2. Literature review
1. Industrial Service
“ Trend in industrial services’ business strategy ”
Levitt (1972)
: A production-line approach to services

Sundbo (1994)
: The idea of “servitisation”
: a special case of servitisation
providing values by integrating
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