Ⅰ. Introduction
- Introduce of Hana Tour
- Financial Statement
Ⅱ. 5 Ratios
1. Debt Ratio
- Comparison with Mode Tour
- Comparison with Industry Average
2. Total Assets Turnover Ratio
- Comparison with Mode Tour
- Comparison with Industry Average
3. Return on Equity(ROE)
- Comparison with Mode Tour
- Comparison with Industry Average
4. Current Ratio
- Comparison with Mode Tour
- Comparison with Industry Average
5. Price Earning Ratio(PER)
- Comparison with Mode Tour
- Comparison with Industry Average
Ⅲ. 10 numbers
1. Debt Ratio(total liability, total equity)
2. Total Assets Turnover Ratio(sales, total assets)
3. ROE(net income ,total equity)
4. Current Ratio(current Assets, current liability)
5. PER (share price, eps)
Ⅰ. Introduction
- Introduce of Hana Tour
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