SK 텔레콤 홰외영문IR
Company Presentation
October 2000
Table of Contents
Market Overview
Wireless data Market
Issues & Strategy
Investment Highlights
Table of Contents
Market Overview
Wireless data Market
Issues & Strategy
Investment Highlights
Korean Cellular Penetration
Cellular Penetration surpassed Fixed line in Aug. 99
Fixed line
(Unit: 1,000)
SKT & STI’s Subscribers
Cellular Market
Trend on Call Composition
The mobile is getting more independent from fixed lines
Wireless displacing Fixed line
SK Telecom’s Cellular Subscriber Trend
SK Telecom’s ARPU Trend
(*) Excluding Interconnection among Mobile operators
Minutes of usage taking off
Table of Contents
Market Overview
Wireless data Market
Issues & Strategy
Investment Highlights
Korean Internet/E-commerce market growth
(Unit: Billion won)
Korean E-commerce market
Korean Internet Users
(Unit: 1,000)
Source: Ministry of Information & Communication
Source: International Data Corporation
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국내기업 IR 사례조사,SKT 실패사례,두산 실패.. |
SK텔레콤 자기소개서 자소서 |
SK텔레콤 자소서 작성법 및 면접질문 답변방법,.. |
SK텔레콤의 광고전략 |
[SK텔레콤 마케팅PPT] SK텔레콤 성공비결과 마.. |
[ SK 텔레콤 합격 자기소개서 ] SK텔레콤 자기.. |
SK 텔레콤 브랜드 전략 제언 |
[ SK텔레콤 마케팅사례 PPT ] SK텔레콤 (SKT) .. |
[SK텔레콤 기업분석]SK텔레콤 경영전략분석 PPT.. |
[SK텔레콤 기업분석]SK텔레콤 경영전략분석 보.. |
SK 텔레콤 인적자원관리사례,구글의 혁신선발모.. |
SK텔레콤,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서.. |
베트남에 진출한 SKT,SK텔레콤베트남진출사례,S.. |
SK텔레콤의 기업정보(2006년1분기 까지) [PDF] |