뇌손상 - Apraxia에 대해서
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뇌손상 - Apraxia에 대해서
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2. 뇌손상 - Apraxia에 대해서.pdf
뇌손상 - Apraxia에 대해서

What is Praxis
What is Apraxia
Where do Apraxia Come From
Types of Apraxia
Evaluation of Apraxia
Therapeutic approach of Apraxia
What is praxis
From Greek for doing…..
Doing of volitional, goal directed movements
Praxis is a complex interplay between motor/ sensory/ perceptual cognitive processes
A performance skill
Forms the foundation for development of performance patterns and occupation
What is apraxia
A complex higher order cognitive-motor deficit (Leiguarda Marsden, 2000; McClain Foundas, 2004)

An “inability to perform skilled sequential purposeful movement” (Banich, 2004: 178)

“A cognitive motor disorder that involves the loss or impaired ability to programme motor systems to perform purposeful, skilled movements” (Zoltan, 2007:109)
Understanding Apraxia
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