의학 - gait[보행]에 관해서
■ Gait cycle
* cycle division
1. gait cycle; 2 periods, stance swing
stance - entire period during which the foot is on the ground,
initial contact으로 시작
swing - time that the foot is in the air for limb advancement,
toe-off부터 시작
2. stance; 3 intervals according to the sequence of floor contact by the two feet
① initial double stance
② single limb support - single stance의 duration이 limb s support capability의 best index
③ terminal double stance
3. timing
stance 60% - 10%, 40%, 10%
swing 40%
- both feet가 limbs의 support roles을 바꾸는 동안 ground와 contact하는 interval을 가지는 것이 walking의 basic 특성이다.
- double stance가 빠지면 → running mode of locomotion으로 들어감
* stride step
stride; interval between two sequential initial floor contacts by the same limb
step; interval between an initial contact by each foot
■ Phase of gait
division of gait cycle
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