Company Introduction
10 Financial Numbers
5 Key Ratios
Company Introduction
Air Canada is...
Canada s largest full-service airline.
A founding member of the Star Alliance® network.
Able to offer its customers access to approximately 1,160 destinations in 181 countries.
Connecting Canada and the world.
Building loyalty through passion and innovation.
- Safety first and last.
- Make every customer feel valued.
- Working together.
- Act with integrity.
- All employees are valued.
- Drive for excellence.
10 Financial Numbers
Income Statement
1. Sales (Operating Revenue)
2. Operating Profit
3. Net Income
Operating revenue shows how much Air Canada sell their products and services.
Operating profit is the profit after deducting the expenses that used to make the product or services.
Unit: Canadian dollars
It is the money finally Air Canada got.
10 Financial Numbers
Cash Flow Statement
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