Beginning of the 4G-LTE Wimax,4G,LTE,wimax
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Beginning of the 4G-LTE Wimax,4G,LTE,wimax
1. Beginning of the 4G-LTE Wimax,4G,LTE,wim..
2. Beginning of the 4G-LTE Wimax,4G,LTE,wim..
Beginning of the 4G-LTE Wimax,4G,LTE,wimax
Beginning of the 4G : LTE Wimax

The way as increasing technology of telecommunication from 2G to 4G
and The various 4G technology through the LTE Wimax

1. Evolution Roadmap of Mobile Communication Technology
2. 4G S standardization trend
▴IMT-2000 IMT-Advanced
▴4G mobile communication characteristic
▴Development route of LTE, Wimax
▴3Gpp LTE ( Long Term Evolution)
▴Mobile WiMax(802.16)
▴Load map for 4G
3. Used technology of LTE Wimax
▴FDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
▴IMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output)
▴WB(초광대역 기술 : Ultra Wide Band)
▴Smart Antenna
▴SDR:Software Defined Radio(소프트웨어기반 이동통신 기술)
4. The domestic market trend
▴limitation of mobile data traffic and 3G
▴In position of domestic telecom corp
5.The world with 4G technology
▴The data age has come
▴Cloud computing
▴Ubiquitous computing
4G이동통신 LTE Long Term Evolution 4g 이동통신
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