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1. QR코드,QR코드특징,QR코드장단점.hwp
2. QR코드,QR코드특징,QR코드장단점.pdf
1. Description of QR code

① Definition
A QR Code is a matrix barcode. Or two-dimensional code is called. QR code is readable by QR scanners, mobile phones(or smart phone) with a camera and so on. The code consists of black points arranged in a square pattern on white square background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.

② The history of QR code
Common in Japan, it was created by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in 1994. The QR code is one of the most popular types of two-dimensional barcodes. QR is the acronym for Quick Response. Literally the QR code has a very fast rate.

③ Usage of QR code
Initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing but QR Codes are now used in a many parts. For example, broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at smart phone users (known as mobile tagging). QR Codes can be used to display text to users, to open a URI or to send a text message or email.
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