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Letter of Oath

성명:(영어) (한자)
Name: (English) (Chinese)

Address in Korea:

외국인등록번호 :
Alien Registration No.:

상기자는 외국인근로자의고용등에관한법률부칙제2조의 불법체류 외국인근로자 특례 해당자로서 다음과 같이 서약합니다.
I make the following oaths, as a subject of special exception as a foreign worker of illegal sojourn according to Article 2 of The Act on Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers.

1. 지정된 사업장에서 계속 근무할 것이며 부득이한 사유로 사업장 이동시 반드시 고용안정센터에 신고할 것을 서약합니다.
1. I will continue to work at the designated workplace, and in case my workplace is moved for inevitable reasons, I pledge to report to the employment security center.
2. 대한민국정부에서 부여한 체류기간 동안 취업활동을 하고 지정된 출국예정일에 반드시 출국할 것을 서약합니다.
2. I pledge to engage in occupational activities during the given time by the government of the Republic of Korea, and depart the country on the designated date of departure.
3. 체류기간 동안 외국인근로자의고용등에관한법률 및 출입국관리법을 준수할 것임을 서약합니다.
3. During my period of sojourn, I pledge to abide by the Act on Employment etc.. of Foreign Workers and the Immigration Control Act.
4. 위의 사항을 위반할 경우 “출입국관리법” 등 관련 법률에 의해 처벌대상이 됨을 알고 있음을 서약합니다.
I pledge that I understand I will be subject to the concerned laws, including the Immigration Control Act, if I violate the regulations above.

2005년(year) 월(month) 일(day)
서약자(Name of person in oath) (인 signature)
○○○ 지방노동청(사무소)장 귀하
To Administrator (or Chief Director) of _______ Regional Labor Administration (or Office)
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