영문 출장증명서
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영문 출장증명서
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2. 영문_출장증명서.doc
영문 출장증명서
Travel Order

No. :

Name in full : #F

K.I.D. No. : #D

Address : #S

Position : #L

Period of Business :

Destination :

We, clothing company, are very pleased to inform you that the above mentioned, one
of our staff, has been ordered to visit your country for the purpose of discussing
business from 01/01/2001 ~ 02/02/2001

We will full take responsibility for his return trip fare and accommodation and return
home after finishing his mission during his stay in the United States of America.

It will be highly appreciated if you could facilitate to issuing necessary entry visa for
him, thank you for your kind cooperation.

Date :

/Seal Stamped/

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