영문 기술자료매매계약서
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영문 기술자료매매계약서

도면 등 유형적 기술자료의 매매에 관한 계약서임. 도면등의 유형적 자료는 L/C방식 등에 의하여 수출입이 자유로우나, 일반적인 상품의 매매와는 그 성격이 다르므로 계약서에 규정될 사항들도 다르게 마련임. 또 자세한 계약서 없이 P/O등의 간단한 서류만으로도 거래가 가능하긴 하나, 기술자료의 거래를 둘러싼 제반 문제점들을 보다 명확히 규정해 두는 편이 바람직함. 그러나, BUYER의 입장에서만 본다면 Withholding Taxes의 문제를 제외하고는 일반물품의 거래와 같은 조건에서 접근하는 것이 유리함.

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on the day of ,1994 by and between OOOOO MOTOR CO., LTD.,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Japan and having its principal office at 11, ,000 2chome, Minatoku, Tokyo 107, Japan (hereinafter referred to as SELLER) and xxxxxxx CO., LTD.,a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea and having, Kyounggido, 435030its principal office at Korea (hereinafter referred to as BUYER ).


WHEREAS, SELLER is engaged in, inter alia, the business of the development, manufacture and sale of various models tillers and other power products and, through experience accumulated in such business, has acquired and possessea certain intellectual property rights and manufacturing information and knowhow relating to such power products; WHEREAS, BUYER is desirous of buying from SELLER certain technical materials for the manufacture and sale of a certain model of SELLER's power tillers ; and

WHEREAS, SELLER is willing to sell such technical materials to BUYER.

NOW, THEREFORE, SELLER and BUYER hereby agree as follows :

Article 1. Definitions

Unless otherwise clearly required by the context, the following terms as used in this Agreement shall have the respective meanings as defined below:

(1) The term Product shall mean a modified model of SELLER's(특정제품 및 사양)

(2) The term Technical Materials shall mean the following documents and materials regarding the Product, excluding the engine and rotary for the Product :

(a) Specifications, In handwriting, of the complete Product as based on the Fll50 model:

(b) Drawings, comprising the following :

(i) For frame:

Drawings of entire layout

Drawings of mission assembly
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