영문 양도계약서
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영문 양도계약서

This Assignment Agreement is made this (Date)th day of (Month), (Year) by and between:

ABC CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of -----------(Nation of ABC), having its principal office at ---------------(Address of ABC) (the ABC); and DEF CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ------------(Nation for DEF), having its principal office at -------------(Address of DEF) (theDEF)


WHEREAS, XYZ CORPORATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the ----------------(Nation of XYZ), having its principal office at --------------- (Address of XYZ) (the XYZ) and ABC have made an ----------------(Name of Original Agreement) on -----------------(Contracting Date of Original Agreement) including any and all amendments (the AGREEMENT) for the manufacture, sale of the ----------------(Products) ;

WHEREAS, ABC wishes to assign the AGREEMENT and any and all rights and obligations thereunder to DEF and DEF also wishes to accept such assignment.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, the parties here to agree as follows ;

1. ABC does hereby assign any and all of its rights and obligations under or in connection with the AGREEMENT to DEF as of the ----------------(Assignment Date).

2. DEF dose hereby accept such assignment as herein above mentioned and hereby covenant and agree to perform all the terms and conditions of AGREEMENT on its part to be performed. Further DEF does hereby accept to be bound and does hereby covenant and agree to perform all the terms, conditions and agreements contained in the AGREEMENT.

3. XYZ hereby agrees to, and gives ABC and DEF consent to, the assignment of the AGREEMENT hereunder.

4. This ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT shall be effective from the date when the parties hereto have signed it.

5. Any notice or other communication to be made by XYZ to DEF shall be sent to the following address, unless DEF shall otherwise notify XYZ in writing ;


(Describe address, telephone & fax number, concerned person of DEF)
⇒ If there is any clause to be amended due to this assignment, please describe it
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