2009.05.12(My Brothers Birthday)
문화예술 > 종교/초자연
2009.05.12(My Brothers Birthday)
1. 2009.05.12(My Brothers Birthday).hwp
2. 2009.05.12(My Brothers Birthday).pdf
2009.05.12(My Brothers Birthday)
My Brother's Birthday
- 12th of May, 2009 -

The day before yesterday was my younger brother's birthday. I was deeply thinking of giving him a present, but no money. 'What should I buy for him' 'Do I really need to buy something for him even though I'm so hungry at the moment' A lot of thinking past through my head. I'm now at the age of 29. No job, no money, not so good at anything. His 17th birthday made me more miserable because I'd not able to do anything for him. To be honest, I've not given him anything for his birthdays so far. As I grew up, I have felt sorry for my family especially my siblings. They are too young to do something for themselves, but I couldn't help them enough. They couldn't enjoy their childhood, standing the family's poverty, being hit by their terrible father.

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2009_05월참전게시 발표_국제마케팅마지막_수정
2009_05월기본총괄게시3 삼성화재
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