물품 매매 계약서(영문) 작성 서식입니다.
Increased Costs : If Seller's costs of performance are Increased after the date of this Contract by reason of increased freight rates,taxes or other governmental charges, and insurance rates(including war risk) or if any variation in rates of exchange increases Seller's costs or reduces Seller's return,Buyer agrees to compensate Seller for such increased cost or loss of income. Further, if at any time Buyer requests delay in delivering of any shipment and Seller agrees thereto, Seller may, upon completion of manufacture, store the Goods and charge to Buyer all expenses thereby incurred, plus reasonable storage charges when Seller stores the Goods in its own facilities.
Payment : Irrevocable and confirmed letters of credit, without recourse, available against the Seller's sight drafts shall be established through a prime bank satisfactory to the Seller within fifteen(15) days after the date of the Contract and
be kept valid at least fifteen(15) days after the date of last shipment. The amount of such letter of credit shall be sufficient to cover the Contract amount and additional charges and/or expenses to be borne by the Buyer.
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