[레포트] Multi ChattingProgram
리포트 > 공학/기술
[레포트] Multi ChattingProgram
1. [레포트] Multi ChattingProgram.hwp
2. [레포트] Multi ChattingProgram.pdf
[레포트] Multi ChattingProgram
Multi Chatting


1.1 Objective of projects

When I make plan for the term project ,I tried to search for many examples.
But, my ability is very shortage, so what kind of things is not easy and
it was difficult.
Now i try to make chatting project .
Also the chatting program seems too much difficult.
But, When about semester period it makes the difficult thing, it takes
long and is very difficult, but it will give me that more learn about programming.
So, I selected this project.

1.2 Project product

Clients connect with server on chatting window.
It makes use of sever IP.
And clients cans see connection user list.
Program has that sending message and changing font font. and possible change a chatting-ID

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