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1. 마케팅-참이슬마케팅.hwp
2. 마케팅-참이슬마케팅.pdf
Strategic Marketing
in 참이슬

◆ Contents ◆

1. Introduction
- Choice Background
2. Brand Analysis
- JinRo · 참이슬
- Soju Market
- Competitors
3. Consumer Survey
4. 4P · STP Strategy
5. Marketing Strategy
- Long-term · Short-term marketing
- New marketing
6. Conclusion
7. Reference
1. Introduction

For last few years, 참이슬 of JinRo had a 50% market share in domestic soju market. JinRo didn t have a equal share in whole nation but JinRo led a soju market in Seoul and capital area. Like this, JinRo is the market leader in soju market.
참이슬 s the biggest rival is the 처음처럼. 처음처럼 broke 20˚ that maginot line of soju market and brotught low alcohol degree trend. 처음처럼 went straight to second place in one year. As soon as 처음처럼 was launched, It caused tremendous popularity. JinRo launched the 참이슬Fresh because of 처음처럼‘s trace and implemented aggressive marketing.
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