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1. Kindle_final.ppt
2. Kindle_final.pdf
1. 제품소개 및 사용법

2. 선정 이유

3. 성공 배경

4. 시사점
Why did we choose it
비록 킨들이 처음 출시된 것은 2007년 11월이나, 꾸준히 성장하여 높은 판매 실적을 보이며 아이패드, 소니, HTC, 레노버 등 사이에서도 굳건하게 자리를 지키고 있기 때문

특히 올해는 킨들 파이어를 새로 출시하며 이로써 태플릿PC계에서 돌풍을 몰고 올 것으로 예상되기 때문
Kindle Fire a Black Friday Hit
The first major challenger to the iPad is shaping up to be a success. Amazon’s new $199 tablet, the Kindle Fire, outsold the iPad in Target stores on Black Friday. According to Goldman Sachs, the Kindle Fire was also “sharply outselling” the Nook Color from Barnes Noble in stores. Amazon also sold four times as many Kindle devices on its website on Black Friday as it did in 2010.

November 29, 2011
-The daily
What is kindle
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