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2. 윤리경영(Ver3).pdf
Business Ethics

Sustainability Report
Reason why we choose ASIANA
Summary of Sustainability Report
Analysis Critics of Report
Recommendation for ASIANA
Reason Overview Summary Analysis Critics Recommendation
The reason why we especially choose Asiana airline is because they recently constructed eco-friendly system such as “eco-friendly strategy”, so we wanted to know more about eco and social-related program. And also we will further research about Asiana airlines HR-system and service/safety
Reason Overview Summary Analysis Critics Recommendation
Why we choose ASIANA
As the time goes by, people’s interest about the responsibility of large corporation. Since Asiana Airline is the second leader in airline industry, and fifth leader in the world, their obligation to give back something to the society gets higher. So, we have wondered that they are fulfilling their job or not.
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기업윤리(윤리경영) 윤리경영의 개념과 의의 및 필요성과 사례 조사..
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