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1. 애플-마케팅분석.hwp
2. 애플-마케팅분석.pdf

1. Executive summary
2. Company description
3. Strategic Focus and Plan
4. Situation Analysis
5. Market - Product focus
6. Marketing Program
7. Financial Data and Projections
8. Organization
9. Implementation Plan
10. Evaluation and Control
Table or Contents

1. Executive summary

Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. This includes a customer base that is devoted to the company and its brand. Actually although they are not apple mania, most people all over the world think that Apple Inc. is the top brand of the consumer electronics industry area. So, we will analyze the main cause of the Apple Inc s success by using marketing analysis tools.

2. Company description

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애플 APPLE 마케팅 SWOT STP 4P전략분석 및 애.. APPLE 애플 마케팅전략 분석과 애플 바람직한 ..
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