[경영학] 미샤(MISSHA)
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[경영학] 미샤(MISSHA)
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2. [경영학] 미샤(MISSHA).pdf
[경영학] 미샤(MISSHA)
현대기업의이해 6조
[ MISSHA First CF ]
현대기업의이해 6조

Analysis of
여기에 학번과 이름을 쓰세요
현대기업의이해 6조
Select Motives
Missha is the first on-line cosmetics brand in Korea.
They have 1900000 members on-line. And their products are loved by customers, because their low cost and fine quality.

The advent of Missha is certainly create a sensation in cosmetics business. Hence, we choice Missha that renovate structure of distribution, appeal price of removed bubble to customers and succeed in business used internet. Then we will learn their strategy of marketing.
현대기업의이해 6조
Cosmetics are functional products as the necessary of life, so they remove bubble of price.

Communication with on-line off-line.
현대기업의이해 6조
Vision and Idea ofmanagement
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MISSHA 미샤 마케팅전략분석및 미샤 성공요인분.. 미샤 MISSHA 성공비결과 초기전략분석및 미샤 ..
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