[경영학] 벤처기업과 기업가(Venture Business Entrepreneurial)
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[경영학] 벤처기업과 기업가(Venture Business Entrepren..
1. [경영학] 벤처기업과 기업가(Venture Busin..
2. [경영학] 벤처기업과 기업가(Venture Busin..
[경영학] 벤처기업과 기업가(Venture Business Entrepreneurial)
Venture Business Entrepreneurial
What is “ Venture Business ”

Who is “a Leader ” in Venture Business
How important is “ an Innovation ”
Why do we have to know these

About Venture Business
Condition of Venture Business
Introduction - TurboTek Mtekvision
CEOs of Two Ventures
Entrepreneurship Why Innovation
Innovation Examples
About Venture Business
Why Venture
Quick response/ Flexibility / Nitch Market
Domestic Venture Business: about 8000
Position of Korean Companies
About Venture Business
Why Venture
Quick response/ Flexibility / Nitch Market
Domestic Venture Business: about 8000
High Technology Business
New Technology-Based Firm
Risky Business
In Law
Example (Mtekvision, TurbotTek)
Type of Venture Business
Growth of Venture Business after Bubble
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[벤처기업의 개념] 벤처기업의 정의와 특성 벤처 비즈니스의 의미, 정의, 개념, 기법, 유형..
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