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2. todays_silk_스타벅스.pdf
Today s Silk

    Even though some saw the development of a luxury product as useless, silk provided such a preference among high society that the rules in China used silk to differentiate themselves. For hundreds years, the right to wear silk was reserved for the emperor and the highest dignitaries. Later, it gradually extended to other classes of both Chinese and European societies.
Meaning of silk was not just a piece of fabric. It was a symbol of wealth, privilege and power. Silk of today is not as powerful as old days. However, there are new things that replace silk of ancient times. They are as powerful and influential as silk.

When silk was first distributed, it was only available to the nobles. The social class of today is no longer divided into the nobles and the peasants. Instead, a person s social status is doing a similar job. It means your finance condition is the new criteria of power.
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