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1. [이슈및위기관리론]JetBlue_최종본.pptx
2. [이슈및위기관리론]JetBlue_최종본.pdf
JetBlue’s Crisis on Valentine s day
JetBlue Case Analysis
Case Analysis
01. Company Description
JetBlue Airways
Company Description
Part 1.
One of American low-cost airlines in Queens, NY
Hub airport : John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) / more than 60% of jetBlue planes use a day
Unlike other low-cost airlines,
Differentiated services such as wide and comfortable
seats, serving free snacks, seat-back TV Service, etc.
- Recruitment of ‘outgoing’ employees
- Fun, young, friendly and energetic corporate image.
Founded by David Neeleman in 1999
“bringing humanity back to air travel making the experience of flying happier and easier for everyone.”
JetBlue grew rapidly in airline industry.
02. Timeline
JetBlue Airways
Part 2.
[Feb. 14th. 2007]
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