지방자치단체의 정보화에 대한 경험적 분석
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지방자치단체의 정보화에 대한 경험적 분석
1. 지방자치단체의 정보화에 대한 경험적 분석..
2. 지방자치단체의 정보화에 대한 경험적 분석..
지방자치단체의 정보화에 대한 경험적 분석
지방자치단체의 정보화에 대한 경험적 분석1)

Though many policies have been presented to solve the problems in agricultural village as aging, population decrease, market opening, questions in the effectiveness have been arise. To solve the problems in agricultural village, agricultural information has propelled. It promote to improvement in management capability and productivity through applying a computer to production & management, it seek to cut down circulation expenses and to raise receipt price through direct transaction as e-commerce.
Such information policies of agricultural village play an important role in structural problem solving and provide opportunities for take-off in the agriculture and agricultural village. Through knowledge-information-oriented age, informationalization of agricultural village in 21 century, it improve quality of life and competitiveness, agricultural village provides opportunities for take-off.
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