허닭-마케팅전략 경영분석
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허닭-마케팅전략 경영분석
1. 허닭-마케팅전략 경영분석.ppt
2. 허닭-마케팅전략 경영분석.pdf
허닭-마케팅전략 경영분석
’s Marketing Strategy
HEODAK’s Marketing Strategy
Introduction of ‘HEODAK’

The Previous and The Present state

Plans for the future continuous growth

Industry Analysis

Competitors Analysis

New Strategy 1

New Strategy 2

Introduction of
July, 2010: (주)얼떨결 was founded by HEO.

January, 2011: ‘HEODAK’ was introduced through the online shopping mall.
The present state of
The number one of sales in online shopping mall in 3 months after introducing.

August, 2011: It turned over 1억 1천 만원.

It has kept the number one of sales in a market of chicken breasts.
Success factors of the current state
The market of chicken breasts wasn’t developed.

Concerning about Diet and Health was increasing.
Niche Market

Big Opportunity
Success factors of the current state
Prejudices of chicken breasts.
Soft texture and good tastes.
Success factors of the current state

Inconvenient existing products.

Easy to keep and
Easy to cook.

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인터넷마케팅,온라인마케팅,마케팅전략사례,마.. 그린마케팅,그린마케팅전략,그린마케팅사례및분석
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