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1. 현대차,해외진출,마케팅전략,경영사례,마케..
2. 현대차,해외진출,마케팅전략,경영사례,마케..
Global Business Today

Hyundai Motor Company

Table of Contents
Ⅰ. Introduction
 1. Corporate History
 2. Corporate Philosophy
 3. Global R D Network
 4. Manufacturing
 5. Global Sales Network
Ⅱ. Analysis of Global Automobile market environment
 1. Capacity of Global Automobile market
 2. Automotive industry crisis (2008-2010)
 3. Perspective change of the automobile consumers
Ⅲ. Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) s global business strategy
 1. US
  1). Analysis of current US automobile industry
  2). Backgrounds of entry
  3). Benefits of Alabama
  4). Facilities in US
  5). Strategy
  6). Sale
 2. Europe
  1). Analysis of current Europe automobile industry
  2). Backgrounds of Entry
  3). Market Share
  4). Benefits of Turkey and Czech Republic Plant
  5). Localization Strategy
 3. Asia
  1). China
   (1). Analysis of current China s automobile industry
   (2). Backgrounds of entry
   (3). Automotive industrial policy
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