- Dual Brand Strategy with IBM
1. Introduction and Strategic Profile
2. Situational Analyses
3. Key Statement Dual Brand Strategy
4. Strategy Formulation
5. Strategic Recommendations
1. Introduction and Strategic profile
Slogan-New World, New Thinking
Lenovo strives to be a new world company that makes award-winning PCs for our customers.
Lenovo operates as a company uninhibited by walls or organizational structures using worldsourcing to harness the power of innovation across our global team.
Lenovo designes innovative and exciting products and services to meet our customers’ needs.
Acquisition IBM
At the individual level is envisaged the development of computing power officially released the first PC(1981)
The PC era and the beginning
ThinkPad birth (1992)
In the field of personal computing in the continuous development and innovation
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기업사레분석 |
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