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1. 애플마케팅전략,애플기업분석,애플전략방안..
2. 애플마케팅전략,애플기업분석,애플전략방안..

1. Why Apple
1.1 Reasons for choosing Apple

2. Brand and Marketing Analysis on Apple
Up to the present
2.1 Apple’s history: Steve Jobs
2.2 Apple’s past strategy on its brand

2.3 Successful strategies
2.4 Competitive edges

Apple’s Marketing Mix: STP, 4P and SWOT
2.5 SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat
2.6 STP: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
2.7 4P: Product, Place, Promotion, Marketing

3. Future Marketing of Apple based on “5-Stage Competition”
3.1 예견경쟁
3.2 New Power 경쟁
3.3 초기 시장 경쟁
3.4 주류 시장 경쟁
3.5 정상에서의 경쟁

4. Apple brand strategies for the future
4.1 Sustainable competitive advantage
4.2 Further brand extension

5. Apple s crises and strategies of conquest
5.1 History of revolutions
5.2 Example of bankruptcy crises and treatment strategies
5.3 Example of global financial crises and treatment strategies

6. Conclusion on Apple

1. Why Apple
1.1 Apple을 선택한 이유
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