1. Executive Summary
1. Executive Summary
2. Cooperate Connection
1)relationships to other plan
②Strategic alliances
③Customer relationship management (CRM)
2) Marketing related plans
①Advertising and promotion
3) Cooperate direction
①Corporate philosophy
3. Positioning Statement
1) 현재의 입지 및 목표
2) 타 경쟁사와의 비교
4. Environmental Analysis Forecasting
1) Analysis of major environmental factors
2) Competitive analysis
3) Market trends
①Visitor trends
②Competitive trends
③ Related industry trends
4) Market potential
5) Marketing research
6) Desired action
5. Segmentation Targeting
1) Segmentation
①About Segmentation
2) Targeting
① 주중
② 주말
3) Research materials
① 대학생
② 교인들
6. Action Plans - ①
1) Sales strategies
① Prevent erosion of key account
② Grow key accounts
③ Grow selected marginal accounts
④ Eliminate selected marginal accounts
⑤ Retain selected marginal accounts but provide lower-cost sales support
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미스터도넛,크리스피도넛,던킨도넉,시장분석,마.. |
미스터도넛마케팅전략,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마.. |
던킨 도너츠 마케팅전략사례분석,국내 도넛시장.. |
미스터도넛,기업분석,마케팅전략.마케팅,브랜드.. |
크리스피 크림 분석,던킨 도넛 분석,크리스피 .. |
미스터도넛 마케팅전략분석과 미스터도넛 브랜.. |
미스터도넛,MISTER DONUT,미스터도넛마케팅전략.. |
미스터도넛 마케팅전략(SWTO,STP,4P)분석및 새.. |
크리스피크림vs던킨도너츠vs미스터도넛 브랜드.. |
던킨도너츠 기업성공요인과 던킨도너츠 마케팅 .. |
미스터도넛,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,.. |
던킨도너츠,도넛시장,브랜드마케팅,서비스마케.. |
도넛시장,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서.. |
크리스피 |