Financial Statement Analysis
Principles of Financial Accounting Final Team Project
What is the Korean Air
Vision, Mission Business
What is the Korean Air
Income Statement
Although 2009’s Sales Revenue was less than 2008’s, Korean air showed better condition in Gross Profit ratio( 13% -] 15%) and Net income.
Financial Statement
Balance Sheet Asset Part
Cash Short-term Investment
Other quick Asset
Korean Air acquired more asset in 2009 than size of 2008.
Especially to be increased cash was interesting.
Financial Statement
Balance Sheet Liability SE Part
In 2009, Both Liability and SE Part were increased.
Financial Statement
Statement of Cash Flow
In 2009, Cash was increased. There are three reasons. 1st reason was that operating activities made great positive profit. 2nd reason was that
Korean air reduced R D cost and investing activities. 3rd reason was that Financing activities also decreased.
Financial Statement
Common Size
(Billion Won)
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