리포트 > 경영/경제
1. [영문판]SK기업분석,SK마케팅전략,SK경영전..
2. [영문판]SK기업분석,SK마케팅전략,SK경영전..
Strategy for
Industry Overview
Sources: Korea Communications Commission, Company Websites, 2011. 10
SKT presentation
03 Recent Issues
04 SKT’s Strategy
01 Industry Analysis
02 Company Analysis
05 Conclusion
Industry Overview
Telecommunications Industry
Wireless Communication
Wired Communication
Saturated subscription rate (104% of population) leaves the market with difficulty in new demand creation, which shows limitations of industry growth
While VoIP and IPTV market shows high growth potential, telephone and internet market has already saturated
SKT presentation
03 Recent Issues
04 SKT’s Strategy
01 Industry Analysis
02 Company Analysis
05 Conclusion
Porter’s 5Forces Model
SKT presentation
03 Recent Issues
04 SKT’s Strategy
01 Industry Analysis
02 Company Analysis
05 Conclusion
SKT presentation
01 Industry Analysis
02 Company Analysis
Main Business of SKT
Types of products in SKT can be divided into 2 parts. One is B2B and the other is B2C
03 Recent Issues
04 SKT’s Strategy
05 Conclusion
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