리포트 > 사회과학
1. 외식유형별이용성향에따른선택속성차이연구..
2. 외식유형별이용성향에따른선택속성차이연구..
외식유형별 이용성향에 따른 선택속성 차이연구
- 가족외식과 직장외식을 중심으로-
A Study on the Difference Selection Attributes in Customer's Behavior between Family and Business Dining-out
Jeong, Kwang-Hyun


There is a notable change in Korea's food-service industry which are due to the increased GNP, women's advancement in the society, increased number of working couples, increased needs for nutrition food, decreased working hours and the change in cultural modes. These changes brought the increase of dining outs in the dietary pattern. Meal is no longer regarded merely a tool to satisfy people's basic needs but also a time to relax and socialize. Therefore, consumers' demand for taste is increasingly diversifying and the quality of food became more important over quantity. As convenience and diversity are highly requested the food industry is drastically westernizing its food and services.
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