The motivation of selecting subject
Introduction of Korean air, Analysis of4p
Introduction of asiana air, Analysis of 4p
Analysis of STP of the two company
Advertisement of the two company
Conclusion (comparison of result)
Korean air
The largest airline company in Korea and one holding high rank in Asia
Earlier Advertisement : The quality of aircraft and services
① state-of-the-art and large-scale aircraft
② Campaign slogan: Sky, blue sky
③ ‘Excellence in Flight, Korean Air’
Korean air’s 4p strategy
Reservation service
Note issuing service
Cabin service
Other service : KAL limousine
Korean air’s 4p strategy
Making a good use of Korean traveler habit
Offering to customer various discount benefit like mileage
Korean air’s 4p strategy
Note issuing service - The system remove inconvenient
Korean air’s 4p strategy
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