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1. 맥도날드,맥도날드맥모닝,맥모닝,맥모닝마..
2. 맥도날드,맥도날드맥모닝,맥모닝,맥모닝마..
Marketing Plan Of McMorning
McDonald s Corporation

Table of Contents
1. Company Description
2. Strategic Focus and Plan
3. McMorning Description
4. Industry Analysis : Trends about breakfast market
5. Competitors in the breakfast market
6. SWOT Analysis of McMorning
7. STP Analysis of McMorning
8. Marketing Program - 4P Analysis
9. Implementation Plan
10. Financial Data
11. Evaluation and a proposal

1. Company Description

McDonald s began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California. Their introduction of the Speedee Service System in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant and now, it is the world s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving more than 58 million customers daily. With the expansion of McDonald s into many international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life.

맥도날드,맥도날드맥모닝,맥모닝,맥모닝마케팅,.. 맥도날드 기업분석과 맥도날드 마케팅전략분석..
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맥도날드 기업분석과 SWOT분석및 맥도날드 경영.. 맥도날드 마케팅 4P전략과 STP,SWOT분석 맥도날..
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