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1. 상의의여유량에따른체온조절반응.hwp
2. 상의의여유량에따른체온조절반응.pdf
상의의 여유량에 따른 체온조절반응 연구 (Ⅱ)
A Study on Thermoregulation by allowance of T-shirts(Ⅱ)



1. 서론
2. 실험방법
2-1. 피험자
2-2. 실험 의복
2-3. 측정 항목
2-4. 실험 순서
2-5. 자료 처리
3. 실험결과 및 고찰
4.. 결론


[ Abstract ]

The purpose of this study was to investigate two different kinds of T-shirts on thermal responses at air temperature of 23±2℃, relative humidity of 45±5% and wind velocity not more than 0.5m/sec.
Six healthy women were chosen for this experiment.
Rectal temperature, skin temperatures, clothing microclimate and subjective sensation were measured every 2 minute during experiment(rest 10 min., exercise 20 min., recovery 20 min.) and compared between two experimental garments(boxy type and fitted type t-shirts).
The results were as follows

1. Rectal temperature was higher at wearing boxy type t-shirts(p[0.01).
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