PER(Price_Earning_Ratio),Warren Buffett and value investing,재무관리,재무관리사례
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PER(Price_Earning_Ratio),Warren Buffett and value inv..
1. PER(Price_Earning_Ratio),Warren Buffett ..
2. PER(Price_Earning_Ratio),Warren Buffett ..
PER(Price_Earning_Ratio),Warren Buffett and value investing,재무관리,재무관리사례

Warren Buffett and value investing
3. 6rules ValueInvesting
4. Applicate the rules
5. conclusion
2. What is ValueInvesting
1. Warren Edward Buffett
Oracle of Omaha
1. Warren Edward Buffett
August, 30 in 1930 (Omaha, Nebraska)

Bachelor University of Pennsylvania

Master University of Columbia

Occupation Chair man and C.E.O of Berkshire Hathaway

10 years old first investment
20 years old - $ 9,800
In 1965 - $ 10,000,000
took over Berkshire Hathaway
Now - $ 670000000000
1. why warren Buffett (1)most successful investor
e.g. IT company
e.g. Food, Transportation, Steel and etc.
Do not invest what you don’t know!
e.g. Airplane, China market
Possibility of Development
1. why warren Buffett (1)most successful investor
1. why warren Buffett (2) personality
“I’m enough as having a house to live, clothes to wear and food to eat.”
No drivers, No jets
He still lives in three bed room house that he bought in 1958
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