Supply Chain Innovation and Organizational Performance in the HealthCare Industry
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Supply Chain Innovation and Organizational Performanc..
1. Supply Chain Innovation and Organization..
2. Supply Chain Innovation and Organization..
Supply Chain Innovation and Organizational Performance in the HealthCare Industry
Supply Chain InnovationandOrganizational Performancein the HealthCare Industry
The importance of effective SCM in the health care industry.
This study examines SC innovation for improving organisational performance in the health care industry.

Specially, this research attempts to address the following questions,

Does SC innovation have an impact on SC process improvement

Does SC process impact organisational performance
SCM in the health care industry
Therefore, SCM integrate a continuous, seamless flow of materials and services for health care delivery.
The supply chain is an integral part in the health care system.

Innovation is essential to the organization.

SC innovation will help insure efficient supply of products and services to patents and hospitals in the rapidly changing environment.

Thus organizations in the health care in the industry needs to focus on SC innovation for effective delivery of services.
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