[의학] 신경계 CASE _ 전정와우 신경 손상
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[의학] 신경계 CASE _ 전정와우 신경 손상
1. [의학] 신경계 CASE _ 전정와우 신경 손상...
2. [의학] 신경계 CASE _ 전정와우 신경 손상...
[의학] 신경계 CASE _ 전정와우 신경 손상
신경계 CASE 전정와우 신경 손상

A.J. is a 57-year-old construction worker.
In a fall from a scaffolding 1week ago, he fractured his right temporal bone.
He complains of difficulty maintaining his balance, neck and shoulder stiffness, blurred vision, nausea, and a spinning sensation.
Clinical observation reveals the following:
-Walking is slow and unsteady, requiring contact with walls or other objects toavoid falling
-A.J. avoids moving his head as much as possible, resulting in a rigid linkage between his trunk and head.
-Nystagmus is continuous, even when his head is stationary.
Hearing is impaired on the right side.
-Muscle strength and somatosensation are normal.
Vision and eye movements are intact.
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