남성들의 미용 트렌드 변화와 화장품 사용실태,남성미용,남성화장품사용(영문판,영문버전)
리포트 > 사회과학
남성들의 미용 트렌드 변화와 화장품 사용실태,남성미용,..
1. 남성들의 미용 트렌드 변화와 화장품 사용..
2. 남성들의 미용 트렌드 변화와 화장품 사용..
남성들의 미용 트렌드 변화와 화장품 사용실태,남성미용,남성화장품사용(영문판,영문버전)


1. Background of analysis

2. Hypothesis

3. Research objectives

4. Research method

5. The probable results

1. background of analysis
Nowadays, man’s makeup is considered as natural.

This chart shows that men s interest in make up is growing constantly. Every year percentage of basic is decreasing, On the other hand, the percentages of Advanced and premium are increasing gradually.

But male cosmetics’s progress of consumption has been stagnant. The expectation that male cosmetics market seems to continue to grow was wrong. The chart above proved a slowdown in growth.

2. Hypothesis
We want to find the reason why male cosmetic’s growth trend which was predicted to be increase is in stagnant point. Additionally, we will use the result of survey to establish strategy for attracting consumer because market expansion with existing consumer has limit.

3. Research objectives
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