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1. 6시그마,6시그마분석,6시그마사례,6sigma,6..
2. 6시그마,6시그마분석,6시그마사례,6sigma,6..
What is 6
Defining Six Sigma in Three Terms
A population’s standard deviation
A measure of variation or dispersion about a mean
Defect reduction to no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities(DPMO)
: 99.9997% defect free, close to perfection.
Mindset that emphasizes customer focus and creative process improvement
A business strategy consisting of process, organizational, and technical change to
1. Cost reduction
by instituting proper measurement methods

2. Cycle-time improvement
by analyzing business processes

3. Increased customer satisfaction
by understanding customers’ needs
The Objective of a Six Sigma
To reduce process variation, so that it will result in no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) in the long term
To eliminate every ounce of waste that can be found in an organization’s processes
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