The Reverse positioned marketing,Face the mainstream,JetBlue Airways,In N Out Burger,Google,IKEA
The Reverse positioned marketing
-Face the mainstream
Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1 The reason why we chose this topic
1.2 The concepts and definitions of the Reverse positioned marketing
1.3 Comparison with existing marketing strategies
Ⅱ. Body
The cases of the Reverse positioned marketing
2.1 JetBlue Airways
2.2 In N Out Burger
2.3 Google
2.4 IKEA
Ⅲ. Conclusion
3.1 Characteristics of Reverse-Positioned marketing
3.2 Problems and solutions of Reverse-Positioned marketing
3.3 The suggestion
Ⅳ. References
Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1 The reason why we chose this topic
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The Reverse positioned marketing,Face the ma.. |
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