Stock market analysis
1. Introduction
1) Executive summary.
2) Market commentary.
3) Brief Buiness Summary
Ⅰ. Onse Telecom
Ⅲ. SK Broadband
2. Body
1) Comparison of financial Index
① Current ratio (유동비율)
② Debt ratio (부채비율)
③ Debt / equity ratio (부채 대 자기자본비율)
④ Profit margin (순이익률)
⑤ Return on equity (자기자본 이익률)
⑥ Earning per share (주당순이익)
2) Trend of the stock prices for the past three months
3) Trend of the stock prices for the past three years
4) BETA Abnormal Returns Analysis
3. Conclusion
The best Investment based on analysis
4. References
1. Introduction
1) Excutive summary
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