애플 Apple 기업분석및 경영사례분석 영문발표자료
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애플 Apple 기업분석및 경영사례분석 영문발표자료
1. 애플 Apple 기업분석및 경영사례분석 영문..
2. 애플 Apple 기업분석및 경영사례분석 영문..
애플 Apple 기업분석및 경영사례분석 영문발표자료
1. history
2. Overview
3. Industry trend
4. Profiling
5. Competitor analysis
6. Identifying Core competence
7. conclusion
1. Company History
The Beginning (1976)
The early years (1979 to 1983)
Apple vs Microsoft : the struggle (1989 to 1994)
A new beginning (from 1998 to nowadays)
“Apple Computer Inc”
April, 1976 in California
by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne
1. Company History
2. Overview of the company
In 2009 Apple has annual sales of $42.91 billion.
2. Overview of the company
Companies’ mission
Change the world by bringing
the computers to customers
Corporate culture
the culture has been defined
by Steve Jobs
and put into 10 lessons:
Design focus
Believe in Job
Forgetting the past
Apple is the best
Take critics to your heart
No defeat
Every detail is important
Steve Jobs- indispensable
High security
Being dominate
Software: iTunes, iLife
Pc, iPhone, iPod, iPad
3. Describe Industry Trend
Smart age
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