모나미 볼펜 마케팅전략분석 (영문레포트)
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모나미 볼펜 마케팅전략분석 (영문레포트)
1. 모나미 볼펜 마케팅전략분석 (영문레포트)...
2. 모나미 볼펜 마케팅전략분석 (영문레포트)...
모나미 볼펜 마케팅전략분석 (영문레포트)
모나미볼펜 마케팅전략


1. Macro-environment

2. Market Analysis

3. 3C Analysis

4. SWOT Analysis

5. KSF(Key Success Factors)

6. Marketing Goal

7. STP Analysis

1) B2B
2) B2C

8. Marketing Mix (4P)

1) Product
2) Price
3) Place
4) Promotion

Monami153 - The nation s ballpoint pen !
- May 1, 1963 Created for the first time
- 48 years of longevity products
- 15 of 153 = 15 won , 15 won the first price
- The third product of Monami
- Monami means a friend of mine in French
- Since its launch more than 3.5 billion sales

1. Macro-environment
P - ① Large companies can not enter into stationary
② Stationery is suitable for small and medium enterprises in the business by Growth Committee with Working Group

E - ① Up to 25% or more increase in stationery
S - ① A generalization of the computer and the digitization of society
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