영문 거래제의서
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영문 거래제의서
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3. 영문_거래제의서.pdf
2. 영문_거래제의서.doc
영문 거래제의서
Circular Letter

July 1, 1999

Purchasing Manager
()()() Corporation
10 Leonards Lane,
Thorofare 000000

Dear 000:

Our company has been recommended as a major distributor of sports goods by the Commercial Counsellor's office of the US embassy in Korea.

We, ABC Trading Coprporation, is one of the largest sports wear trading companies in Korea and exporting the waterproof sport jacket to America as well as European countries. We have been proud of good reputation from our customers due to the high quality and reliable quality control.

When you contact our Internet web site, www.abc-corp.com, you can find the brief company profile of ours and the digital catalogues
영문 거래제의서 실전에서 꼭 알아두어야 할 무역실무(2)
무역마케팅ppt 구매제의서
우파니샤드 용선 계약서(일반조건)
거래제의, 조회, 견적송장, 물품매도확약서, 매.. 탄소 배출권 거래제,녹색기후기금(GCF),온실가..
용적률 거래제[법학] 녹색성장,녹색성장이란,녹색성장한계,녹색성장..
옵션거래제도 지구촌환경과 인류-EU의 탄소배출권 거래제 및 ..
[배출권]탄소배출권 제도의 영향과 향후전망 pp.. [배출권]탄소배출권 제도의 영향과 향후전망 보..
Personnel Profile Document
영문 OEM계약서_1
영문 합의및양해각서
영문 서비스용역계약서
영문 독점계약서2
해외바이어, 무역업체, 현지파..