안전한 식품보관법
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안전한 식품보관법
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안전한 식품보관법
Most of the food that a gardener grows cannot all be eaten when it is harvested. Some of it can be used immediately. But, most of it will be kept for future use. Experts advise that care must be used to safely keep food.

immediately[imíːdiitli]ad. 바로, 곧 (soon)-conj. =directly, as soon as~ (하자마자)

정원사가 기른 대부분의 식품은 수확되었을 때 모두 식용할 수 없다. 일부는 즉시 사용될 수 있다. 그러나 수확물 대부분 장래 사용을 위해 보관될 것이다. 전문가들은 식품을 안전하게 보관하기 위해 주의를 당부한다.

Carefully examine potatoes and other vegetables that grow underground before you put them away for later use. They should be clean, dry, and have no cuts. They should be kept in a cool, dry place. In some countries, villagers dig underground rooms, called cellars, where they keep their potatoes, casavas, and root vegetables. It is important that the cool room be kept dark. Light can cause potatoes to develop a poison called solanine.

cellar[sélə]n. 1)지하실 2)저장 포도주 casava 열대 식물 카사바-고구마와 같은 맛

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