[HWP] 포토샵 단축키
Fits image in window
Double-click ☝, or +Ø (zero)
100% magnification
Double-click ⌕, or ++Ø (zero)
Zooms in or out
+ or
⊕ or ⊝
+, or +
Applies zoom percentage, and keeps zoom percentage box active*
+ in Navigator palette
Zooms in on specified area of an image*
+ drag over preview in Navigator palette
Scrolls image with hand tool*
+ drag, or drag view area box in Navigator palette
Scrolls up or down 1 screen
Page Up or Page Down
Scrolls up or down 10 units
+ Page Up or Page Down
Moves view to upper left corner or lower right corner
Home or End
Toggles layer mask on/off as rubylith*
Hold down to scroll left (Page Up) or right (Page Down).
Selecting and moving objects
Repositions marquee while selecting
Any marquee tool (except single column and single row) ++ drag
Adds to or subtracts from selection
Any selection tool + or + drag
Intersects a selection
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